
I have entered the blogosphere!

Well, thanks to your suggestions and Shaylunya's help, I have decided to join the blogosphere! You'll have to be patient with me, as I'm a You Tuber-crossover, lol. So, getting this thing up and running might take some time for me. There is quite a bit to figure out, but before I can do that, I have to get my "Winter Wonderland" look filmed, edited, and uploaded.

So, this is just kind of a noob blog post, letting my friends in the blog kingdom know that I am now here with you!  I'm very excited and a bit nervous, as this is completely new to me. Please bear with me as I try to get this all figured out.

I am grateful that I will have +The Makeup Squid and +Shalunya TheChronicBeauty to refer back to. They have done a collaborative effort, called the BBBB, and between the two have given superb advice on blogging and creating blog pages. So you can bet I'll be using ALL of those resources to get that finishing touch on my blog, as well as knowing how to grab people's attention and know what they want to read!

So, there it is my friends. My first-ever blog post!

Lots of love to those who have encouraged me, and especially those who have really supported my You Tube endeavors! 

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